Real Estate contract changes

With the approval of the Multi-Board 7.0 real estate contract, Seller’s and Buyers of residential real estate have many new changes to be aware of.  Contact the D&O Law Group to ensure your interests are protected in the process of buying or selling your home!


Additional News

A life back on track!

Today, Boris Djulabic and Camilo Oceguera of www.dandolegal.comhelped a young man get his professional life back. Working for a major corporation that required certain professional licenses, he was told he could not meet the criteria for said license due to a conviction in the early 2000’s for a gun offense. It was his first and last run-in with the law. […]

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Looking ahead, not behind

Today, a story of redemption. A man who made a poor choice 15 years ago has paid for it every day of his life. Denied a professional license based on that choice, and needing to work odd jobs to get by, he came to see Boris Djulabic and Camilo Oceguera of the D&O Law Group, […]

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Giving back to the community

Boris Djulabic & Camilo Oceguera are always happy to give back to the communities they serve. On Saturday Jan 23, 2021 Boris Djulabic, of the D&O Law Group LLC had the pleasure of speaking with students of the South Suburban College Paralegal Studies Program as a guest speaker for Professor Becky Hougesen Walters, J.D., Paralegal […]

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